2025 Quebec – Gaspé Peninsula & Coastal New Brunswick
Reviews 0 Reviews0/5
Vacation Style Holiday Type
Activity Level Moderate
Group Size Medium Group
Bonaventure Island is the nesting site of more than 100,000 seabirds, including 30,000 pairs of Northern Gannets, plus Black-legged Kittiwakes, Common Murres, and Razorbills. Our visit is timed for the hatching of the Gannet eggs, which adds anticipation and excitement to the spectacle. During our full day on and near Bonaventure we may also see Finback, Humpback, and Minke Whales.
We’ll search mainland forests for boreal nesters: Evening Grosbeak, Black-backed Woodpecker, Spruce Grouse, and Boreal Chickadee, to name a few. The York River marshes may hold American Bittern, Sora, American Woodcock, and Wilson’s Snipe. Additional localities could yield Harlequin Duck, Northern Goshawk, Pine Grosbeak, and White-winged Crossbill. Mammals that we will search for include Moose, Caribou, Black Bear, and Gray Seal.
Our last two nights will be in the Chic-Choc Mountains, the northeastern terminus of the Appalachian Mountains. The food is great and the scenery simply breathtaking.
We will take a maximum of seven participants. On rare occasion we may extend the maximum to ten participants.
Duration: 8 days
Limit: 4 – 8
Date: 10 July – 17 July 2023
Start: Moncton, New Brunswick
End: Moncton, New Brunswick
US$5623 per person sharing assuming 4 – 8 participants
Single supplement: US$717
We can run the same trip at a price similar to the larger group price for 2 tour participants, if they rent their own vehicle and pay for fuel – please e-mail info@birdingecotours.com for details.
- Meals
- Accommodation
- Guiding fees
- Entrance fees
- All transport while on tour
- Tolls
- Domestic and International flights
- Items of a personal nature, e.g. gifts
- Alcoholic drinks
- Personal insurance
- Laundry Service
- Gratuities
- Day 1 Tantramar River
- Day 2 Kouchibouguac National Park
- Day 3 South Shore of the Gaspé Peninsula
- Day 4 Boat Trip around Percé Rock and Bonaventure Island
- Day 5 Mount Saint Anne and Barachois Marsh - Whale Watching Boat Trip
- Day 6 Forillon National Park
- Day 7 Appalachian Mountains and Lake Paul
- Day 8 Heading Home
1-8 July 2009
Top 10 lists are voted upon by the participants at the completion of each tour.
1 – Nelson’s Sparrow – great scope views at 6+ individuals that were singing in the salt marsh at Kouchibouguac National Park.
2 – Tennessee Warbler – Carolyn heard her life bird as we were driving toward Lake Paul in the Chic-Choc Mountains. We had extensive scope views, then found many more.
3 – Northern Gannet – the nesting colony was the highlight of our afternoon on Bonaventure Island. There were numerous chicks and eggs.
4 – Long-tailed Duck – a single drake was a nice surprise from the Darmouth River Bridge at the town of Gaspé.
5 – Pine Grosbeak – we saw one and heard several on Mont St. Anne above Percé.
6 – Philadelphia Vireo – two were found on the grounds of our lodge, Gite du Mont Albert, in the Chic-Chocs.
7 – Fox Sparrow – excellent views of this fine songster.
8 – Common Merganser – a hen with 17 ducklings was also at the Darmouth River Bridge.
9 – Magnolia Warbler – not rare, but incredibly gorgeous.
10 – Razorbill – large numbers nesting at Bonaventure Island, and feeding in nearby waters.
Marine highlights include several Minke Whales and Gray Seals. We saw five Moose, including a cow with two calves. Very nice were two Black Bears. We also found a Coyote, Red Fox, Porcupine, and several Snowshoe Hares.
Will we do any birding the first day?
How should I dress for the tour?
Besides clothes, what do I need to bring?
What language are tours conducted in?
Can you help me book flights?
Can you book accommodation for us the night before the tour starts or the night the tour ends?
Do you provide trip insurance?
Are meals included?
Will I get seasick on the boat?