2025 New Mexico – Bosque del Apache
Reviews 0 Reviews0/5
Vacation Style Holiday Type
Activity Level Challenging
Group Size Medium Group
Bosque del Apache is without a doubt the most popular birding destination in all of New Mexico, and for good reasons. It is the winter home of thousands of Sandhill Cranes, plus thousands of waterfowl, a fine variety of raptors, and many additional species. The name is Spanish for ‘Woods of the Apache’ and refers to the once extensive stands of cottonwoods along the Rio Grande that were used as refuge by native Americans.
Many of the cottonwoods remain, and the birds are still found in abundance. Just a few of the species that we are likely to see there include Crissal Thrasher, Pyrrhuloxia, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Loggerhead Shrike, and Gambel’s Quail. Large flocks of sparrows may contain Vesper, Lark, Brewer’s, Cassin’s, Black-throated, and others. It is a great location for Neotropic Cormorant, Virginia Rail, Sora, Marsh Wren, and Western and Clark’s Grebes.
Other areas that we will visit are Water Canyon, the Sandia Mountains (hopefully for all three ROSY-FINCHES!), and Elephant Butte Reservoir, an excellent spot for aquatic species. The Rio Grande Nature Center and State Park in Albuquerque is reliable for Western Screech-Owl and many additional species. Lots of birds without the crowds, plus beautiful scenery: those are the attractions of birding in New Mexico.
The maximum number of participants is seven. On rare occasions we may take as many as ten.
Duration: 9 days
Limit: 4 – 8
Date: 07 November – 15 November 2025
Start: Albuquerque, NM
End: Albuquerque, NM
US$3743 per person sharing assuming 4 – 8 participants
Single supplement: US$667
We can run the same trip at a price similar to the larger group price for 2 tour participants, if they rent their own vehicle and pay for fuel – please e-mail info@birdingecotours.com for details.
- Meals
- Accommodation
- Guiding fees
- Entrance fees
- All transport while on tour
- Tolls
- Domestic and International flights
- Items of a personal nature, e.g. gifts
- Alcoholic drinks
- Personal insurance
- Laundry Service
- Gratuities
- Day 1 Rio Grande Nature Center and State Park
- Day 2 Sandia Mountains
- Day 3 Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
- Day 4 Desert Birding and Black Range
- Day 5 New Mexico State University, Dripping Springs, and Isaac’s Lake
- Day 6 Elephant Butte State Park and Bosque del Apache
- Day 7 Water Canyon in the Magdalena Mountains
- Day 8 Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge
- Day 9 Sandia Crest and Heading Home
15-23 November 2004
Top 10 lists are voted upon by the participants at the completion of each tour.
1 – Black Rosy-Finch – excellent looks at a mixed flock of approximately 60 Black and Brown-capped Rosy-Finches at Sandia Crest feeders.
2 – Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch – a single bird of the Hepburn’s race coming to the same feeders. All three of the rosy-finch species were life birds for most of the tour participants.
3 – Harris’s Sparrow – an immature seen at close range through the spotting scope at the Rio Grande Nature Center.
4 – Prairie Falcon – a pair circling low over our heads at Las Vegas NWR.
5 – Pyrrhuloxia – many good looks of this handsome bird throughout the tour.
6 – Crissal Thrasher – nice views at an often elusive species at Bosque del Apache NWR.
7 – Sandhill Crane – large gatherings at Bosque plus a pair-bonding dance made this an all-around favorite.
8 – Black-chinned Sparrow – repeated good looks at a new location on our itinerary, Dripping Springs.
9 – Phainopepla – several good scope views of this rather tropical looking member of the Silky-Flycatcher family.
10 – Sage Sparrow – we had good looks at a small flock at Petroglyph National Monument on the final morning of the tour.
Mammalian highlights included a large herd of 30+ Pronghorn, several sightings of Mule Deer, Coyotes stalking Sandhill Cranes, a Badger, and the improbable-looking Abert’s Squirrel.
Will we do any birding the first day?
How should I dress for the tour?
Besides clothes, what do I need to bring?
What language are tours conducted in?
Can you help me book flights?
Can you book accommodation for us the night before the tour starts or the night the tour ends?
Do you provide trip insurance?
Are meals included?
Gambel's Quail
Black Rosy-Finch
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch
Vesper Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Western Grebe
Greater Roadrunner
Mountain Chickadee
Pygmy Nuthatch
Steller's Jay
Dusky Grouse
Cassin's Finch
Spotted Owl
Western Bluebird
Green-tailed Towhee
Black Phoebe
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Rock Wren
Ferruginous Hawk
Williamson's Sapsucker