2026 Manitoba – Churchill & Southern Manitoba
Reviews 0 Reviews0/5
Vacation Style Holiday Type
Activity Level Challenging
Group Size Medium Group
Churchill lies on the southwestern shore of Hudson Bay in northern Manitoba, strategically situated in the transition zone between boreal forest and extensive tundra habitat. It was formerly a very reliable locale to find the exceedingly rare Ross’s Gull. Even though it no longer nests there, we have a good track record for finding this beautiful gull along the Churchill River.
Fifteen species of shorebirds nest in the area and they are extremely tame and approachable, a delight for birders and photographers. You can count on close views of Red-necked Phalarope, Hudsonian Godwit, and American Golden-Plover, among many others. Additional birds that we are likely to see include Harris’s Sparrow, Common and perhaps Hoary Redpolls, Pine Grosbeak, Bohemian Waxwing, Little Gull, Parasitic Jaeger, Spruce Grouse, and Willow Ptarmigan.
Arctic Hare is likely, and Beluga Whales are possible near the mouth of the Churchill River. In southern Manitoba we visit a variety of habitats at places such as Oak Hammock Marsh, Riding Mountain National Park, Douglas Marsh, and Whitewater Lake. These areas will complement the birds of Churchill nicely, adding species such as LeConte’s Sparrow, Sedge Wren, Upland Sandpiper, Gray Partridge, Red-necked Grebe, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Great Gray Owl, and Black Tern.
We’ll hope to witness the mating ritual of the Western Grebe, and we’ll make every attempt for a peek at the elusive, diminutive Yellow Rail.
We will take a maximum of seven participants. On rare occasion we may extend the maximum to ten participants.
Duration: 11 days
Limit: 4 – 8
Date: 05 June – 15 June 2026
Start: Churchill, Manitoba
End: Churchill, Manitoba
US$5,960 per person sharing assuming 4 – 8 participants
Single supplement: US$806
We can run the same trip at a price similar to the larger group price for 2 tour participants, if they rent their own vehicle and pay for fuel – please e-mail [email protected] for details.
- Meals
- Accommodation
- Guiding fees
- Entrance fees
- All transport while on tour
- Tolls
- Domestic and International flights
- Items of a personal nature, e.g. gifts
- Alcoholic drinks
- Personal insurance
- Laundry Service
- Gratuities
6-16 June 2014
1 – Willow Ptarmigan
2 – American Bittern
3 – Pacific Loon
4 – Sedge Wren
5 – Black Tern
6 – Arctic Tern
7 – Chestnut-collared Longspur
8 – Wilson’s Snipe
9 – Eared Grebe
10 – American Golden-Plover
The entire group agreed upon the most exciting mammal of the tour: three POLAR BEARSon the ice in Churchill, a female with two cubs. This is exceedingly unusual in the month of June. None of us had expected to see even one. Close contenders were 21(!) Black Bears, 5 Moose, and 35 American Bison in Riding Mountain National Park. Riding Mountain also yielded a Mink, while Churchill produced a Least Weasel. Twenty-four Snowshoe Hares in one hour put on quite a show at Riding Mountain. Two White-tailed Jackrabbits in the SW corner of Manitoba were fun to watch. We found just one turtle, a Western Painted Turtle sunning itself on a log. Yellow Lady’s Slipper, an orchid, was abundant in what we felt were very unlikely locations.
Is the flight to Churchill included in the tour cost?
Will we do any birding the first day?
How should I dress for the tour?
Besides clothes, what do I need to bring?
What language are tours conducted in?
Can you help me book flights?
Can you book accommodation for us the night before the tour starts or the night the tour ends?
Do you provide trip insurance?
Are meals included?