Maine Tours
Atlantic Puffin, Black Guillemot, and Parasitic Jaeger
2025 Maine – From Mountain Forests to Sparkling Shores

2026 Maine – From Mountain Forests to Sparkling Shores

Acadia National Park, Cadillac Mountain, and the always exciting whale watching boat trip to Petit Manan Island that departs from Bar Harbor.
On our second boat ride, this one out of Cutler Harbor, we’ll visit Machias Seal Island to search for nesting Atlantic Puffins, Razorbills, Common Murres, Arctic Terns, other pelagic species, and more whales!
Moosehorn NWR, Machias, and Quoddy Head State Park for their rugged coastline, boreal forest, and abundance of breeding species.
Monhegan Island is one and one-half miles long and half a mile wide. It is one of the finest migrant and vagrant traps on the North Atlantic Coast.
Seventeen miles of trails that lace Monhegan, from its rocky headlands to the nine-acre Meadow, and the famous Ice Pond and Lobster Cove. We will spend the entire time on foot - - the ferry from the mainland does not transport vehicles. Very nice and peaceful!
We currently only run our Monhegan Island tour by special request, so please do get in touch if you would like us to set up a trip for you.