Alabama Tours
Sandhill Cranes, Marbled Godwit, and Gull-billed Tern
Alabama – Dauphin Island & Coastal Hotspots
8 Days
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We’ll bird Dauphin Island, with its famous Shell Mound and Goat Tree migrant traps. This area of the Gulf Coast is where migrants get their first view of land after crossing the Gulf of Mexico. It is a great staging area for travel-weary migrants.
Birding daily in some of these great locations is likely to provide an entirely different assortment of birds. Bon Secour, the Sandhill Crane Refuge, and the National Seashore will provide a diverse group of shorebirds, rails, and long-legged waders.
We currently only run our Alabama birding tours by special request, so please do get in touch if you would like us to set up a trip for you.